
Differences between scraping static and dynamic websites:

Techniques to avoid getting blocked while scraping websites:

Playwright and its benefits in web scraping:

Playwright is a tool developed by Microsoft that allows automation and scraping of web pages. It provides a high-level API for interacting with web browsers programmatically. Playwright supports multiple browsers like Chrome, Firefox, and WebKit, and it can emulate user interactions like clicks, form submissions, and scrolling. Playwright is particularly beneficial for web scraping tasks because it handles the rendering and execution of JavaScript on the page, making it easier to scrape dynamic websites. It also provides features like headless and proxy support, cookies and sessions management, and capturing screenshots or videos of the browsing session.

Example use case:

Suppose you need to scrape an e-commerce website that heavily relies on JavaScript to load product details and images. Using Playwright, you can automate the process of navigating to product pages, interacting with elements, and extracting the necessary data. Playwright’s ability to render JavaScript ensures that you retrieve the complete and up-to-date content of the website.

Purpose of using Xpath in web scraping:

XPath (XML Path Language) is a query language used to navigate and select elements in an XML or HTML document. In web scraping, XPath is commonly used to locate specific elements within the HTML structure for extraction. XPath expressions provide a concise and flexible way to identify elements based on their attributes, position, or hierarchical relationships. It allows you to traverse the document tree and select elements using various criteria.

Example XPath expression:

Suppose you want to select all the links ( tags) with the class attribute set to “external” from an HTML page. The corresponding XPath expression would be:


This expression selects all elements anywhere in the document that have the class attribute set to “external”. You can modify the XPath expression to target different elements or add additional conditions based on your scraping requirements.