
scope in Python

Global :

Trying to update a global variable from within a function:

    counter = 0  # A global name
   >>> def update_counter():
   ... counter = counter + 1  # Fail trying to update counter
   >>> update_counter()
   Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
   File "<stdin>", line 2, in update_counter

   UnboundLocalError: local variable 'counter' referenced before assignment


>>> counter = 0  # A global name
>>> def update_counter():
...     global counter  # Declare counter as global
...     counter = counter + 1  # Successfully update the counter
>>> update_counter()
>>> counter
>>> update_counter()
>>> counter
>>> update_counter()
>>> counter


 >>> global_counter = 0  # A global name
 >>> def update_counter(counter):
 ...     return counter + 1  # Rely on a local name
 >>> global_counter = update_counter(global_counter)
 >>> global_counter
 >>> global_counter = update_counter(global_counter)
 >>> global_counter
 >>> global_counter = update_counter(global_counter)
 >>> global_counter


Nonlocal :

The following example shows how you can use nonlocal to modify a variable defined in the enclosing or nonlocal scope:

>>> def func():
...     var = 100  # A nonlocal variable
...     def nested():
...         nonlocal var  # Declare var as nonlocal
...         var += 100
...     nested()
...     print(var)
>>> func()


>>> nonlocal my_var  # Try to use nonlocal in the global scope
File "<stdin>", line 1
SyntaxError: nonlocal declaration not allowed at module level
>>> def func():
...     nonlocal var  # Try to use nonlocal in a local scope
...     print(var)
File "<stdin>", line 2
SyntaxError: no binding for nonlocal 'var' found


purpose and importance of Big O notation in the context of

algorithm analysis.

Based on the Rolling Dice Example