
Reading Notes

what this web site is about?

In order to prepare myself these topics and videos I should read and watch to give me :

* this web site is for *

  1. insure that I have more detailed understanding as I progress through the course .
  2. I can keep track of my observations and questions from the reading assignments throughout my course.

Code 102 - Intro to Software Development

Code 201 - Foundations of Software Development

Code 301 - Intermediate Software Development

Code 401 - Advanced Software Development

Table of Contents:

# Prep
1 MINDSET Practice link
2 Engineering Readings Practice link
3 D.S AND ALGORITHIMS Practice link
4 SQL Practice link
5 Terminal Practice link
Class # Reading notes
Class-01 Pain and Suffering
Class-02 Testing and Modules
Class-03 With
Class-04 Classess and Objects
Class05 Linked List
Class06 Ten Thousand Game 1
Class07 Ten Thousand Game 2
Class08 Ten Thousand Game 3
Class09 Ten Thousand Game 4
Class10 Stacks and Queues
Class11 Data Analysis
Class12 Pandas
Class13 Linear Regressions
Class14 Data Visualization
Class15 Trees
Class16 Serverless Functions
Class17 Web Scraping
Class26 Intro to Django
Class24 Django Models
Class28 Django CRUD and Forms
Class29 Django custum user Model
Class30 Hash Tables
Class31 Django Custum User Model
Class32 Permissions & Postgresql
Class33 Authentication & Production Server
Class34 API Deployment
Class37 Graph
Class38 React-2
Class39 React-3

Things I want to know more about